Why teaching 100 men should be celebrated (even though I’ve taught over 500 women and girls!)

A group of men sit with mannequin heads and watch their teacher at a braiding class

The first Braid Basics for Blokes class in February 2022

On the 18th October I taught my 91st-100th male students (inc. 2 boys) ~ since the first #BraidsandBeersTM back in February.

I am *delighted* with that.

They’d travelled from as far as Hackney, Battersea and Egham (Atleast 1.5 hours each way) to be there which also blows my tiny mind.

I read ALL the comments on various articles and posts when these classes went viral and, along with lots of encouraging comments, I saw that lots of people think it’s no big deal and something men should be doing anyway. ‘The bare minimum’ was a common phrase.

AND that a room full of women learning hair doesn’t get the same attention … I get it and it’s true. I’ve taught over 500 women and those classes didn’t go viral.

But… I definitely think it’s something to be celebrated.

That first class of guys modelled to other men and boys that it was cool/ normal / fun/ OK to want to learn and do your kid’s or partner’s hair.

Every class since cements that.

And what I’ve learnt from doing this is that lots of men (and some women, but less so) haven’t ever had the opportunity to brush hair or put in elastics, let alone do a basic plait.

They don’t have the confidence or skills to do it, so it falls to mum.

So, in the absence of the mythical village it takes to raise a child, I am really happy to be the surrogate auntie/ cousin/ sister to fill the skills-gap so that everyone who wants to learn, can.

And, as I said a couple of weeks ago, the classes are naturally starting to mix themselves, bit by bit.

It’s funny that without #BraidBasicsForBlokes I couldn’t run #BraidBasicsforAll.

So maybe we’ve come full circle after all ⭕️.

If you’d like to come and learn to braid with us you can either book onto an in-person class or learn online at our academy.

And remember to join our Early Bird Mailing List to hear about new class dates. Sign up here.

Hope to teach you/ braid you soon,

Annis x

A group of men sit round a table learning to braid on mannequin heads

18th October 2022 - Male students 91-100.


How to run a hair stall at your school fair.


What kind of learner are you?